Affecting Global change through Leadership, Training, and Outreach
Matthew 28:19
Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

We are not just an Organization;
We Are a FAMILY !
Faith Association of Ministries International, Faith Association of Ministries International (F.A.M.I.), was birthed through Apostle and Pastor Carmen in 2007. Apostle and Pastor Carmen were seeking God’s confirmation and leading during his elevation to Bishop. Their cry was for God to use their talents and abilities to unite churches from all over the world, regardless of denominations. God heard the cry of the ministers and pastors he had placed around Apostle and Pastor to pray, fast, and believe with them, that something special and miraculous would happen to this organization, if they would remain steadfast and immovable in Him.
Within six months, F.A.M.I. had grown from one church to five churches, and today, is comprised of eight churches and twenty- two ministries. F.A.M.I. praises God for churches and ministries located in Kenya, Jamaica, and the Philippines internationally. Nationally, there are churches and ministries in Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and California. F.A.M.I. solicits the prayers of every saint of God daily, for the organization to not just be a group of churches gathering to have church, but a family of believers gathering to strengthen one another in the last days, through worship, praise, and fellowship. , The mission of F.A.M.I., is to lead and encourage any church or ministry seeking affiliation persist in acting and behaving, as the church that our Lord and Savior is coming back to receive unto Himself. Apostle and Pastor Fults believe this is possible, and with the help and prayers of those who stand and agree with them, it will come to fruition.
Our F.A.M.I. Family