Course Description:
Marriages are established and ordained by God. It is one of the greatest gifts He has given us. And as all of us know who are married, it takes work. And like any good thing to continue to work, it requires maintenance. Like a fine running automobile, it needs to be tuned up on a regular basis. So too does our marriages. This course is to assist with the tune up process. Making sure our marriages stay fresh, full of fuel (God’s Spirit), lubricated (God’s anointing oil), and our continual reading of the manual (God’s Holy Word). So, whether you are newly married, or you’ve been at it for a while. Or maybe you desire to be married one day and are looking to get a head start on things (something most of us should have done), this class will bless you on your journey. So long as you are willing to put in the work.
After taking this course, each student will have a better understanding on what marriage is based on the Word of God and not according to worldly standards. You will be able to work together, as well as individually on the things needed for a successful marriage. You will understand the roles God has laid out for both the husband and the wife. You will gain a greater knowledge and understanding of what you are to do and how God requires you to do them. Along with gaining a greater respect for your spouse’s role. Finally, you will understand just how important this relationship is and how it aligns with God’s will.
Join us on Friday evening on this 9-week course called Marriage Maintenance taught by Apostle Lance Tucker.

Course Requirements:
Your attendance is mandatory for this course. I expect every student to be present for each session to receive all that God has provided for you. Everyone must accept that this is for their benefit. If you are ill or have an emergency that prevents you from attending the class, I ask that you email me in advance (if possible).
Positive Attitude
Come expecting to hear from God and be blessed. Get rid of any negativism you may have. Come seeking for your marriage to be refreshed, restored, and uplifted. As the saying goes, “what you put into the class; you will get out of the class.”
Course Fees:
$30.00 Registration Fee
Course Information:
Starts January 27th
Held Via Zoom at 5pm PST / 7pm CST / 8PM EST
Meets Weekly on Fridays for 9 weeks